Are You Ready for ICD-10?

The other day when I was looking around online I found a really great infographic from Medical Billers and Coders that I want to share with you. Since ICD-10 is just around the corner it is important for practices to be prepared, and this is a great checklist to help you make sure you are.

I am going to outline what is contained in the infographic and then provide it for viewing at the bottom.

How do the ICD-10 changes affect your pratice?

– Clinicians have higher documentation needs
– Staff have a new set of codes
– Payers are both insurance and patients
– Cash flow no longer interrupted (as of October 1st)

Who is going to bring the change?

– Billing staff
– Software vendors
– Clearing houses
– Insurance Companies

How is the change going to come?

You can simplify the tasks you need to do by breaking them into smaller steps.

1. Check your vendor’s readiness to move to an advanced system
2. Check clearing houses ability to translate claims to ANSI 837 over insurance companies
3. Check insurance company capabilities to accept the ANSI 837 and read the appropriate codes
4. After processing claim internally, check insurance companies ability to send a ANSI 835 remittance advice to the software

Then you have to do testing, testing and more testing!


July – Series of testing scenarios.
August – Fixing errors discovered in the previous stages.
September – Final check to see if you are prepared.

There you have it – the checklist to see if you are truly ready. I hope that you are, given we are into September now and its crunch time. However, if you feel as if that is not the case feel free to contact us. We would love to talk to you about your medical billing needs and see if we would be a good fit. Please give us a call, leave a comment here or fill out our contact us form.

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