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maximize medical practice revenue

How to Maximize Your Team to Produce Maximum Revenue

Can you teach an old dog new tricks?

In the case of your current staff learning new ways to maximize your revenue, the answer is definitely yes.

But contrary to what may be implied in the title, maximizing your team to maximize revenue does not mean having your team work to the bone. It’s not just about working hard, it’s more about working smart. When you know how the modern revenue cycle works and what you and your team need to focus on within this cycle, your team can effectively maximize your revenue without much difficulty.

A More Effective Perspective to RCM

RCM or revenue cycle management is the healthcare industry’s financial process that typically starts the moment a patient contacts a medical practice and ends when a patient is discharged and payment is made. But within this cycle is a myriad of opportunities, opportunities to not only ensure that the current revenue cycle comes full circle, but that new ones can be started.

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